freestyle laser 3 d scanner application effect-凯发k8ag旗舰厅真人平台

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  • freestyle laser 3 d scanner application effect
  • ediator:hangzhou scantech co., 10:00 click:

recently, 3d scan giant faro launched its latest product freestyle3d objects, which is a public security forensics and product design market development of handheld color laser 3d scanner. currently, the 3d scanner can only be obtained through the faro's early adopters program (early adopter program). the application of the results are as follows:

1,.according to faro, the freestyle3d objects can scan color high resolution geometry point cloud into the target object, which makes it very suitable for internal vehicle object scanning industrial pump, wind power components, molded plastic articles, accident or crime scene investigation in. other suitable applications include filing wood sand casting samples, reverse engineered glass fiber assemblies, recording historical artifacts, and building critical infrastructure drawings.

2. freestyle3d objects is developed for crime and accident scene investigation and reverse engineering applications, but it is said to be flexible and can be used in a variety of situations. its scanning range is 0.3 m to 0.8 m, with a precision of 0.5 mm, suitable for scanning medium sized components and items.

3.freestyle3d objects useful features include optional field calibration and real-time point cloud visualization. a pdf report with key data will be generated in the field calibration, while the real-time point cloud visualization supports the intuitive data acquisition process. freestyle3d objects can also use the dedicated faro software scene process 6.1. scene process 6.1 provides a large grid partition tool, once the object is measured, the user will receive the data prepared in scene process 6.1. users can also export data to other end user applications.

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